Most of us probably suspect that some of our most anticipated MMOs have concentrated on precisely the wrong systems and mechanics. So to find out which games systems are the most important to an MMORPG, our host Larry Everett invited the guys from Play2Win.tv to battle it out. Larry welcomes Andrew Desmond, Troy Blackburn, and Chuck Dunmire to the ring.
The rules are simple: Each panelist was given four questions before the show, each debates his argument, and then our host awards a point per question for the best argument. The panelist with the most points at the end wins the game and love of every MMO gamer everywhere.
The questions
If all MMOs were forced to focus on only one type of gameplay at the cost of the others’ getting less updates, which would be the most beneficial choice and why? (Patreon question from Roger!)
Which is the most impactful system that MMO developers do not spend enough time on?
Which is the least impactful system that developers spend too much time on?
Build an MMO for longevity. Give me three focal systems, the genre, and the developer.
The panelists
This week’s panelists are all from Play2Win.tv
Andrew Desmond, Troy Blackburn, and Chuck Dunmire
Site: Play2Win.tv
Twitch: Play2Win_tv
Twitter: Play2WinTV
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