The final story update for Final Fantasy XI approaches swiftly, and it’s letting a long-awaited shoe drop in the process. The Far East has been a land of mystery and speculation since the game first launched; players have seen jobs, NPCs, cultural touchstones, and more from the region, but never actually set foot therein. Yet the finale of the story brings players to the zone of Reisenjima, the isle of the gods. Sure, it’s not a whole expansion dedicated to the land, but at least players are finally getting to see it.
The final chapter of Rhapsodies of Vana’diel brings with it more of the eponymous rhapsodies and associated benefits, as well. Players can also look forward to an update to monster rearing, with Rank 7 opening along with new monsters to rear. It’s sad to think it’s all ending, but it’s going out with a bang.