On the verge of getting the Stage 1 client of Revival released, IllFonic posted a start-of-the-year newsletter to rally the faithful and encourage them to spread the word about the game. The team admitted that it had fallen behind on the planned development of the game due to the early cessation of the studio’s work on Star Citizen and the need to scrounge up more funds from investors and other studio projects.
Still, the letter is incredibly positive and gives Revival’s backers a reason to look forward to 2016. The team said that IllFonic will be getting out several other games this year which will give Revival “traction” and that fans can look forward to estate upgrade kits, gifting, and a larger player testing pool, as well as the aforementioned Stage 1.
“This game needs to be made because it is the thing that will radically change the landscape and mentality of gamers in the MMO space,” Creative Director Kedhrin Gonzalez wrote. “It means we’re still in the trenches, digging away, fighting and looking forward. It’s still a fight as we try to get more funds to get us to the our goals but we believe in this project and are going to keep going forward. We’re not in any state of worry, but I will admit that we’re not going as fast as I’d like… which is more of an annoyance, because I want to play this damn game already.”