When a whole bunch of people start following a mysterious song to their deaths, you know that something is wrong, even in a setting as full of death and mysterious songs as ArcheAge. The game’s next major patch is dubbed Bloodsong, which is also the name of the aforementioned mysterious song luring people to their deaths and giving players good reason to investigate the song’s point of origin in Mistsong Summit. It’s a new dungeon, and it should serve as a rather decisive version of asking your neighbors to turn down their music.
Players can take two separate paths through Mistsong; there’s the direct and heavily guarded Breathswept Avenue, or the less-guarded but more heavily trapped Whispering Street. Your path can vary based on your level of gear and group coordination, but both paths will ultimately pit you against the songstress luring people to their doom and her immediate lieutenants. The dungeon rewards players with pieces of the Mistsong Armor set, although multiple runs will be needed to assemble a full set.
In sadder news, an ArcheAge player and guild officer by the handle of Princessgotik has passed away; players have been memorializing the fallen player in both the forum thread on the topic and on Reddit.