The story of Final Fantasy XI has come to a close, but the developers aren’t done giving players stuff to do. The game’s next version update is planned for February 10th, bringing along a new set of Wanted battles and new upgrades to the game’s high-end weaponry. The Wanted battles, as always, pit players against some of Vana’diel’s more well-known notorious monsters, with the new triad located in Camp Terrigan, Fei’Yin, and Gustav Tunnel.
Holders of Empyrean, Mythic, Ergon, and/or Relic weapons will be able to take part in a new reforging process that should improve the weapons further, with the precise method differing based on whether or not the weapon has an afterglow effect. There are also going to be updates to melee and ranged damage calculation, item sort functionality, and all of the usual quality of life improvements. So the story might be over, but the experience isn’t quite finished after all.