We hope you didn’t have urgent plans to play H1Z1 today because the game is splitting itself in half today. The maintenance is currently underway according to the official Daybreak Games twitter account:
The #H1Z1 split into #JustSurvive and #KingOfTheKill is underway. The games may be unavailable for up to 24 hours while the work is done.
— Daybreak Games (@DaybreakGames) February 17, 2016
H1Z1 announced on February 5th that the game would be split into two parts, with one serving as the survival sandbox of the original design and the other part focusing on being a lobby-based shooter. Existing owners will receive both games free of charge. A full launch out of the game’s extended early access is planned for the summer and will include console versions for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, with both titles remaining buy-to-play (the original stated plan was for the title to become free-to-play in the future, but that was when it was just one game).