Characters in Overwatch do not level. You can play nothing but Tracer day in and day out, and she’s still going to have the same ability set from start to finish. But there is progression in the game, and a new entry on the game’s official site outlines how it works. It’s a system of unlocking skins, voice lines, sprays, emotes, and victory poses as cosmetic rewards for better performance, with each new level awarding a new random box of items. Already have what’s in the box? That’s fine; the items get converted into credits which can then be used to purchase the skins and so forth that you really want.
There are a few more rewards in the progression tree in the most recent beta patch, but the biggest addition with the patch is a new escort map, Route 66, and a new Weekly Brawl gameplay style inspired by Hearthstone‘s Tavern Brawl. The Play of the Game system has also received some tweaking, along with an option to let players save and replay their own personal highlights. It’s all good stuff if you’re in the testing now, and if not, at least you can read up on how you’re going to be marking your progress.