The Gnome Warlock you see in the above header is the original Syp, created pre-Burning Crusade in October 2006. She’s probably one of my oldest surviving characters in an MMO, although it’s possible that there are other abandoned toons out there that I’ve forgotten. I recently returned to World of Warcraft and dusted off my army of alts, including Syp, to see how life’s been for them.
It’s been strange, to say the least. So many class changes, not to mention the fact that Syp is still at the entrance to Northrend because that’s where I parked her right when Wrath of the Lich King came out. I cleaned up her inventory, did her little Gnome dance, and otherwise felt awkward at the reunion. With the game’s evolution since 2008, she doesn’t feel the same as she did before. This is usually why I create new characters when I come back to MMOs after a long absence.
Have you revisited an old character in an MMO lately? What was it like?