The Dark Zone is not a nice place in The Division. It’s not called the Kitten Cuddles and Sunshine Zone. There are, however, places to get momentary respites within the zone before you leave, safehouses that give you a moment to breathe as a player and recover from the struggles of the zone itself. In theory, anyway; in practice, some players have taken to camping by the safehouse entrances and then picking off the beleaguered players seeking respite.
One player decided that he was going to deal out some justice to players preying upon the weakened and vulnerable. And he did exactly that, and he recorded it on video. You can see the whole thing below, and we have to admit, it’s pretty darn cool. Sure, it’s not the sort of thing that will permanently stop people from being griefing jerks in open PvP, but it’s pretty unambiguously satisfying to see the griefers become the griefed.