Guild Wars 2 quietly inserts world-hopping event into this week’s patch

Yes, I realize this is GW2. It's still a familiar sight, you'll get it.
“Something unusual is happening at Gillscale Pond.”

With this mysterious line in yesterday’s Guild Wars 2 patch notes, players set off to investigate what this strange occurrence could be. Of course, Dulfy is way ahead of the pack and has compiled a guide to this Gillscale Pond event.

It turns out that with a little investigating, players can pick up a device that teleports them all over the world. There’s an achievement of sorts for visiting all of the possible locations, the reward for which is an even more complex teleportation device.

Dulfy also included a brief guide to the “sad anomaly” event that is now attached to an earnable achievement. Snake oil may be involved.

Source: Patch notesDulfy
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