Mind the dust, folks, and enjoy that new server smell. Atlantica Online‘s new North American servers come online today under the stewardship of VALOFE, so players can log in and play once again to their heart’s content. It’s the same game, just under a new home; that should be good news for any longtime fans. (Of course, some longtime fans are not seeing the awards promised for transferring players after the reward plans changed, which is… less good news.)
Of course, that’s not all that’s coming for the game; the announcement of the servers comes with a near-future roadmap that includes a level cap raise to 180, new Arc Angels gear, a special Dark Crystals event starting on January 19th, and creature/boss redesigns. Beyond that, the game is looking at adding in new mercenaries and squashing bugs while improving the communication between the developers and players. All good stuff to look forward to, but right now… well, there are new servers. That’s cool. Try not to scuff them up for at least a week or so.