The latest community Q&A video for Crowfall is out, and it covers a lot of the details for the game’s crafting mechanics. For example, despite appearances and the current test version, the game’s crafting is not balanced around having eight pips to play with for crafting; players will start with one or zero, and more will be gained up to around 12 in the final version. However, you shouldn’t expect to master everything just the same, as the designers intend for there to always be more things to experiment with than you have space to maximize them. If everyone could just make the best everything, after all, there would be no choice involved.
The designers also field question about dropped NPC armor, which isn’t in the cards for the future; crafted armor, even the most basic versions, is meant to be how you arm up, even though NPCs should feature useful things in their drop lists. There’s also some clarification on the nature of refined metals being used for armor and weaponry and specializing in certain gathering fields. Check out the full video just below.