To celebrate the occasion, the studio is rolling out the Octavia’s Anthem update, complete with a new warframe, cosmetic outfit capture tools, new weapons, and the new music-themed questline:
“Octavia’s Anthem has Warframe players journeying through an original, lore-driven quest in search of the musically enchanted Octavia Warframe. Along with Octavia comes the introduction of a simple-to-use musical instrument that enables players to compose original songs and synchronize them to their weapons to rhythmically dominate the enemy. Music isn’t just a tool of destruction in this update — players can create musical arrangements in cooperation with other Tenno and trade songs. For story buffs and lore fans, a newly written web comic, entitled What Remains, explores material well in advance of Octavia’s Anthem.”
Yep, Warframe’s basically getting bards.
Anniversary gifts for players are also on deck, so log in and grab ’em… but not before checking out the infographic below! Apparently there’s a new video coming later today too, so stay tuned!