If your main reason for not playing APB Reloaded at this point is the fact that the game is not on the PlayStation 4, you have a rather odd reason, but one that’s being rectified. The game’s soft launch on the console platform is scheduled for today at 11 a.m. EDT, allowing console owners to download the game and play as much as they wish. The “soft launch” designation is mostly to note that the game will receive minimal communication over the next month while developers address any major bugs or issues.
Players can also earn unspecified free goodies by logging in to put the console version through its paces, with the promise that all of the goods will be delivered when the game patches after 30 days. You can also earn a “Founder” tag for playing on the platform for at least 10 hours. So, hey, if you’d like to take part in some shooting antics and you’ve got all of the required hardware, you can get some stuff out of it.