Well, congrats, Ashes of Creation. You did it: You made your $750,000 Kickstarter goal in less than 24 hours, which means we’re going to spend the next 30 days watching you climb ever higher as you dangle stretch goals in front of us.
You also got half my damn guild to back you. “You know I have more money than sense, and there is a lifetime sub out there,” one of them joked to me last night while picking my brain on the game. AoC seems to have something old school MMORPG players actually want and will pay for: an actual full-scale MMORPG with plenty of investor backing and demo reels to instill confidence.
Personally, I kicked them the smallest pittance that’ll get me into the beta — those $10,000 packages are a bit too rich for my blood. The promise to return Kickstarter contributions should the game fail to launch is enticing too. How about you? Are you Kickstarting Ashes of Creation? Or are you holding firm on your resolution not to back MMOs in 2017?