When September rolls around, island makers in Worlds Adrift will have more options for building a truly unique experience for players. The first island creator update has been previewed on the official site, and it includes things like turrets with various functions and surfaces which can’t be climbed, making navigation that much more difficult. You can even check out a gauntlet made with these new tools in the video just below.
Fortunately for those looking to explore your creations, you will also have more opportunities to test out the islands you make with a tester pistol that can be used to gun down turrets and the like. The game has also opened its doors to players around the world, with the caveat that its servers are still located in the EU and the USA and the game isn’t being localized for worldwide versions at this time. Still, if you speak the language and want to get in on the island-building action, you’ll have the option.