Anybody can log in with a game account, and since it’s free, that means everyone can read, but you’ll need to have bought into the game to actually post – even if you’ve been banned before. “The forums will be visible to everyone, members and visitors alike,” says the studio. “Everyone with a paid Guild Wars 2 account in good standing can participate on the new forums. A game account holder whose forum privileges were terminated on the old forums will be granted one-time amnesty in order to rejoin the forum community.” Maybe try not to screw it up this time?
The downside is the studio isn’t importing anything but a handful of its own threads, so if there’s anything you need from the old forums, like guides or RP stories, grab ’em soon — they’ll be archived until the end of October before (we’re assuming) being retired to eternal sleep with the likes of Rurik and Scarlet.