Each player in Aurora will take command of an upgradable space station, from which ships can be dispatched to gather resources and capture territory. You’ll find yourself on a star map with other players doing the exact same, and can forge alliances, form corporations, and betray other players just like in EVE. The goal is to fight for possession of ancient artifacts in the centre of the map that you can then use to fix a broken ancient stargate and move onto the next map. Each jump brings you one step closer to the ultimate goal of reaching the center of the galaxy — I’ll take a pause here for those currently experiencing No Man’s Sky flashbacks.
Project Aurora has no release date but PlayRaven has suggested that a full release will come in 2018 on both iOS and Android. Developers showed it off this early in order to get feedback from the EVE community, but the crowd at EVE Vegas gave the game something of a lukewarm initial reception. It remains to be seen whether this studio can translate the core elements that make EVE great into a pocket-sized format, and how popular EVE‘s political metagame will be with mobile gamers.