We are getting right down to it in our look at the top 32 best World of Warcraft tracks. In today’s column, we’ll be breaking into the top 10 with some of my absolute favorite pieces that have been added to this long-running (and extensively scored) MMO.
If you’ve been going on this journey with me this far, I want to thank you for your patience and interest! For me, it has been a great reminder of the game’s musical journey so far and has also served to whet my desire for Battle for Azeroth’s score.
Let’s get going!
13. Sacred Stone
Even though this is one of the newer tracks in the game, having arrived in Legion, Sacred Stone feels like it’s been a part of the soundtrack since the very start. It just has that haunting, beautiful tone with the harps and flute that I associate with the more relaxing and entrancing pieces from the early game. Capital stuff, really.
12. The Shaping of the World
Or if you want actual, genuine old school WoW music, there’s always this piece. This track is great trailer music right here, taking players on a journey through a whole bunch of motifs while building up to an exciting climax. There’s plenty of elements that came standard back in 2004, including the omnipresent choir and that blaring synth… but here? They made it work and crafted a long-lasting work of art.
11. Anduin
I don’t want to labor the point, but Legion really contained a lot of fantastic music that shouldn’t be overlooked just because it’s (currently) the most recent expansion. Anduin is a jaw-dropping suite that is drenched in emotional currents. To be sure, it’s an incredibly slow burner of a track, but it’s also very worthwhile to listen all of the way through.
My favorite YouTube comment? “Was doing some grocery shopping with this playing through my headphones and it built to its most epic state starting around 16:34), a couple of seconds later it was taking all the self control I had not to scream ‘For Azeroth!’ and charge someone whilst wielding a french stick and riding a shopping cart.”
10. Tavern (Lion’s Pride Inn)
There have been so many terrific tavern tracks added to World of Warcraft over the years (so many, in fact, that they put together a full album of them), but for my money, none have the staying and nostalgic power of the original. It’s so warm and homey that it makes me want to linger in these inns for no reason other than to hear a few more measures.
9. Wolf at the Gates
One of the techniques that Blizzard’s composers are strong at adapting is in taking old classic tracks and reworking them for the newer and more relevant content. A careful ear can pick out classic World of Warcraft music in Wolf at the Gates, yet at the same time, this is a bold and fresh battle piece that stirs the soul into action.
8. Molten Core Battle Theme
To be honest, I have no idea what the official name of this track is, only that it appears all over World of Warcraft (especially in Vanilla) as a boss theme — and that it’s one of the more iconic scores of the game. Blizzard even recently used it as a musical bridge for the World of Warcraft Classic announcement, testifying to the sound recognition and epic might of this track. Short but powerful.
Catch up with the countdown: