Cat downsides: Will not break through pavement unless it was really expensive and you would prefer it did not. No standard pneumatic hookups. Few professional cat operators. Makes noise when it wants to. Consists of very small amounts of metal. Does not attract people who are “into” construction equipment. Boxes of poop.
Jackhammer downsides: “Cuddling” and “bunting” from a jackhammer is usually fatal. Far heavier to carry around. Will not give mommy or daddy “kisses,” or if it does, said kisses will require hospitalization. Does not attract people who are “into” soft affectionate animals. Expensive. Boxes of poop.
What Are You Playing downsides: None. Participate in the comments.
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): It’s been a rough week. Pokemon Go needs to happen because I’ve been on my butt too much. Problematically, I also intend to play some Sea of Thieves, which means more butt sitting. I hate that I’ve neglected Overwatch so much, but I got super rusty at Splatoon 2, and I want to represent my favorite ninja turtles in ways that don’t dishonor them (because, really, Splinter’s the best turtle of them all).
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog):Â Me me me me meeeeee. So I know I’m playing some Trove because at this point I am still at least doing my dailies there every day and still paying my sub and dang I really do love this cute game. I’m also in the middle of some overly ambitious IRL DIY projects that have been consuming most of my freetime, so if breaking news happens like Friday night, someone will have to call me out of the basement to come deal with it. I’m also aiming to be on MJ’s City of Heroes Paragon Chat anniversary stream Saturday, so yep, I’ll be in City of Heroes a little bit too!
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Finally finished up a house project in Final Fantasy XIV, so I’ve only got… oh, seven or eight more to go through. Whee. I’ll also tool about in World of Warcraft, spend some time in Ultima Online, and maybe do something else in the middle there. You know how it is.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I have a super busy weekend scheduled, so I’ll consider myself fortunate if I get any time for gaming at all. If I do, I’m venturing into Lord of the Rings Online’s Northern Mirkwood (because I’m so tardy on this) and leveling up my Star Trek Online captain are among my top priorities.
Your turn!