Didn’t have time for that hour-long Ashes of Creation stream on Friday? Don’t sweat it; AOC Dungeon has the highlights recapped. A decent chunk of the stream focuses on the previously announced battle royale mode, which is basically a 100-man battleground, one of three PvP modes being put through their paces in the alpha right now. Interestingly, though, while Intrepid Studios notes that the battle royale mode is fun and easy to develop, it may not actually make it into the final version of the game – it’s really there to help test the PvP.
“It was the fastest solution,” Intrepid’s Steven Sharif says. “From a game mode perspective, there’s really not much to a battle royale. […] It really just made sense for us to get this world in the players and us actually collecting data that we need to collect in the process of building the game. That being said, however, obviously battle royales are pretty popular right now among a large portion of the gaming communities, so that doesn’t hurt as well. This can be something that will get more eyes on the project, but Ashes of Creation is an MMORPG, and this arena is just a testing grounds for us to actually collect data.”
Also discussed during the stream? Seasons, booze, crowd control, city layouts, and ships. There’s a solid look at griffon flight and how PvP is shaping up too. You can watch the entire video below or check out the bullet points on AOC Dungeon.