One of the reasons I favor the Star Wars Galaxies Legends emulator is that it’s a late enough build of the game that it includes the original game’s expansions – including Jump to Lightspeed, the expansion notorious for actually putting the spaceships into Star Wars Galaxies. Not all of the emulators – and there are lots! – have that feature, which is a shame since SWG’s free-form dogfighting and multi-crew ship combat is actually pretty darn good (and was way ahead of its time). Indeed, I frequently see comments from other former SWG players saying they’d prefer to avoid the NGE but don’t play on the original SWGEmu either because of the lack of JTL.
Welp, best go buy a flightsuit because it’s finally happening on the original SWGEmu. While we still don’t have a date – they pretty much never give ETAs – we do know that JTL has been worked on since early this year, and at the end of last week, the volunteer emu team posted up a video teasing the JTL logo and content. There’s more to the video, of course, including large-scale PvE and PvP, bases, and player cities, but right around 2:10 the “in development” flag goes up on what is plainly space content. Pew pew!