Just in time for Halloween, Bethesda has released a series of new stories from the Fallout 76 universe highlighting some of the creepy-crawly critters and beasts that players can encounter in the Appalachian wasteland. The series, titled Tales from the West Virginia Hills, takes the form of ’50s-era radio serials, each of which spins a chilling tale about a different Appalachian cryptid adapted into the game from real-world urban legends.
Over the course of the five-part series, players will hear stories of the Wendigo, the Sideshow Snallygaster, the Beast of Grafton, the mysterious creatures of Flatwoods, and of course the mythical Mothman. Each audio tale is accompanied by a new in-game screenshot of the featured creature, so you can see exactly what horrifying entities await you in the West Virginia wilderness. If you’re in the mood for some post-apocalyptic spooks on this spookiest of days, you can listen to the holotapes below or on the game’s official site.