We talk a lot about progression servers and vanilla servers, branches of MMOs that use different rulesets, either new or old – we even called that our favorite MMO trend of 2018.
But we don’t often see brand-new regular-flavor servers open for existing MMOs. That realization popped into my head this weekend thanks to a thread on Reddit about games with newly launched new servers. We see merges all the time, but sometimes what a game really needs is a clean slate so folks can just have a full do-over, a rerolled community, a rerolled endgame meta, a rerolled economy, a rerolled housing situation. ArcheAge calls these types of servers fresh start servers, and that’s exactly what they are.
Granted, some MMOs have but one server to begin with, or they still really need merges and won’t do them, but I say even they might get some attention (and dispose of some baggage) with a new shard.
What MMO could really use a fresh start server?