It’s only been a half of a year since World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth launched, and Blizzard has yet to make good on all of the expansion’s promised features. One of the big remaining unlocks is the Zandalari Troll and Kul Tiran Human allied races, which the studio has held onto until it needed an easy boost of content and publicity.
The good news for players who want to roll up one of these races (possibly to gain access to their wicked-looking Druid forms) is that the unlock is almost here. Blizzard set a date of March 12th to roll these races out, although players will have to complete a lengthy set of achievements plus a quest series to gain access to them.
Blizzard Watch noted that it is unclear if March 12th will also see the release of Patch 8.1.5, which contains additional features such as Warlords of Draenor timewalking dungeons and the two-boss Crucible of Storms raid.