Ready, set, test! A week after Blizzard unveiled the full offerings for World of Warcraft’s next major content update, the studio rolled the 7.1 GB patch out on the test server to begin its pre-live shakedown.
“A few minutes ago, we made the Rise of Azshara PTR available for download and install. This is so that initial testers will be completely ready to log in when the test realms are made public,” a studio posted earlier today.
The notes are also up for Patch 8.2, which include some of the big features that we saw last week, such as the improved Heart of Azeroth system, the Mechagon zone, Robodrome arena, mount equipment, new island expeditions, and the Ashran battleground. Other features such as the zone of Nazjatar, heritage armor, additional missions, the big raid, the “megadungeon,” the Stratholme pet battle dungeon, and updates to Brewfest are coming on the test realm at a later date.