Strap yourself in to the ride that is Lord of the Rings Online, because 2019 is only getting started with this MMO. In the 12th anniversary livestream, the developers teased a lot of content and details coming up, saying that there are “ambitious” plans in the works that resulted in lesser anniversary offerings this time around.
Some other notable tidbits and teases from the stream include the confirmation of a Minas Morgul expansion raid, several paths from the current game world to the upcoming Vales of Anduin, and additional confirmation about the upcoming Rohan housing. In addition, the 64-bit client is wrapping up its early test server run and should be moving to the public test realm (Bullroarer) within a couple of weeks.
Over on the community side, Twitch streamer Druidsfire hosted a tour of the best LOTRO community houses (and yes, believe it or not, players actually do some cool things with housing in this game). “There was huuuuuuge interest in people showing off their houses on the stream, and there have been some amazingly creative houses on display,” Druidsfire posted.
Source: LOTRO forums