Things were looking a little… dicey for Destiny 2 for a bit there, let’s be honest. But the good news is that all appears to be a thing of the past, as tracking numbers for the game’s daily population on June 16th sat at just over 1 million players involved in various activities within the game. That means that the Season of Opulence announcement and general word of mouth has been pushing player numbers higher once again.
The game has been in a tumultuous state following the re-acquisition of Destiny 2 by Bungie and the split from Activision last year, but the fact that the daily player count is high and stabilizing once again should be cause for celebration among the fanbase. We would be remiss not to note that Activision specifically cited the loss of Destiny 2 as one of the causes for a drop in users in a recent earnings call, so while the future looks bright for Bungie, it now seems like a more appreciable loss for the company.