The end of July saw Crowfall’s latest ACE Q&A session, which was held back on account of J. Todd Coleman’s work travel. Both he and design director Thomas Blair are back, however, with another round of answers as well as talk about the latest update to the throne war MMO.
That update, of course, is the Fortunes of War update, which introduced a variety of new things for pre-alpha backers such as an overhauled banking and storage system, magic loot from monsters, the Fae Knight class, and a new starting area/safe zone for new players known as God’s Reach. Of course, the Q&A would not be much without some answered questions, and the video has plenty of that as well, with the devs addressing vessels, milestone momentum, guild banking, and other topics.
It is a longer video than usual for these ACE Q&A’s — roughly an hour, to be exact — so get comfortable and enjoy below. And if you’re curious about what we had to say about the Fortunes of War update, then be sure to check out our PvP columnist’s impressions piece.