Psst. Hey. Do you have opinions? Strong opinions? Strong opinions about Gamigo’s games? Of course you do. Gamigo would like to hear them. I bet you’d like to deliver them.
This morning, the sprawling EU MMO company posted up a message on the ArcheAge Twitter with a survey of players. It’s not just for ArcheAge players, mind you; I spied several other former-Trion and Aeria Games MMOs in there, including Trove, RIFT, and Defiance 2050. Oh, and ArcheAge is separated from ArcheAge Unchained.
Do note that the survey will ask for some personal details, plus what types of games you play, platform details, which Gamigo titles you play, how you feel about their handling, how much you spend on them, and whether you think that’s a solid value. A fair number of the questions focus on the cash shop, so it’s worth wondering whether Gamigo is planning some more monetization overhauls. Give ’em hell, fam.
Source: Twitter