Appropriate topic for Valentine’s Day, right? I mean, sure, you could go get reservations and pay through the nose for expensive dinner along with a bajillion other people on the year when V-Day hits on a Friday. But you could also go play MMOs together!
MOP’s Sam reminded me we haven’t touched on this topic in a very long time – 2015, to be exact, in the very first Massively Overthinking we did after going indie. So we thought it was due for a refresh, especially since looking it over reminded me that not I not only did this but admitted it in public:
“I actually built a motorcycle in World of Warcraft a few years ago and gifted it to [my husband] for Christmas as a joke-but-not-really to make our duoing easier (it’s got a sidecar! Vroooom!).”
True love. What’s the best MMO for duoing in 2020, and what exactly makes it work so well?