It’s patch day for Conan Exiles, and yes, that’s for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Cheers for parity! Funcom’s latest addition to the game is the long-awaited followers management system. Wait, hear us out – it’s not as boring as the name implies, as it’s all about new interactions with your thrallish dudes and dudettes
“From a new tab in your player menu you’ll now be able to get information and manage your followers at a glance, adding a few new QoL improvements as well. Check their stats, location in the map, break bonds or – new in this patch – rescue them. All of it from a new snappy screen we’re sure you’ll grow to love during your adventures in the Exiled Lands. We’ve improved on this feature thanks to all the feedback our community has been sharing with us during its Testlive period, with multiple fixes and refinements.”
There are a few other quality-of-life and bug fixes in the patch notes, so give ’em a quick look.
We'd like to introduce you to the new Executive Producer on Conan Exiles, Scott Junior! In addition to the patch today, you'll find the Producer Letter. This details what the team is working on and some things to expect in the future.
Take a look here: https://t.co/DzdnYSp9NS— CONAN EXILES (@ConanExiles) March 10, 2020