It’s high time we get a look at the development progress of Mankind Reborn, the cyberpunk MMO heir-apparent to the sunsetted Face of Mankind, especially since the most recent update post shows a number of great strides forward.
The majority of the update is extremely technical, with looks at backend improvements, optimizations, and bug fixes at the coder’s level. There’s also word of a migration from a US west server to a US east server in order to allow better connections for US and EU players, a look at a new location that has actual plantlife instead of “concrete and metal monotony,” and a snazzy new logo.
Some of the bigger forward moves, however, are in the game’s planned next steps. The playtest server has stabilized to the point that it can stay online 24/7 and will continue to get weekly updates like bug fixes, new features, and new worlds all the way up to alpha, which is currently set to release in “a couple of months.”
After alpha, Mankind Reborn’s lone developer will start looking into an additional funding route like crowdfunding or investor funding in order to get some help. “I will keep doing my best as a solo developer, but at some point for the game to reach its goals, it will need big money to hire a development team and work this with a proper development pipeline to reach beta/full release,” reads the update.
You can get a look at some of pre-alpha footage below.