I’ve heard of folks out there who intentionally pick crafts in MMOs because they’re already experts at them – like the real-world politician who gets into EVE Online politics, or the lady who makes smithed gear for LARPers running a blacksmithy in a video game too.
But I am not one of these people.
It might be because most of my own real-life crafts talents don’t come up much in MMOs. Restoring furniture and painting and writing isn’t a skill in most MMOs! In fact, I was marveling the other day how some of my favorite MMOs crafts, like gardening and cooking, are things that I am… not even a little bit good at in real life. My cooking is merely average and I don’t like to do it, and I literally have fake plants in the pots on my porch because my thumb is not green. But I seek out games that have these things. I love the pretend version.
Do you share any craft skills with your favorite MMO toon?