Now that Path of Exile has effectively completed work on the Harvest League (sort of), the time has come for the devs at Grinding Gear Games to look ahead to 3.12 with a general idea of when players can expect the next League.
As a result of a 14 week development cycle to create Harvest, the next League will need 13 weeks to put together, putting its announcement for September 1st, a PC launch on September 18th, and a console launch on September 23rd. This effectively means that Harvest will be done with by September 14th, with no end-of-league events planned as it’s all hands on deck for 3.12’s release and Path of Exile 2. As for 3.13, the devs hope to start development of that League before the end of 3.12 in order to more comfortably hit release targets.
Readers will note that this timeline deviates a bit from initial plans for 3.12’s timeline, but GGG seem eager to release 3.12 as it’s generating “a fair amount of internal buzz about the ways in which it differs to existing core content.” Of course, things could always change between now and September, but at least PoE fans have some initial expectations set.