We are happily resurrecting old memes with the latest installment of the World of Warcraft Afterlives animated shorts because watching this video should aggro every bears within a 40 yard radius. It only makes sense, you are watching a video about their best friend. Yes, it’s time to go to Ardenweald, and that means looking at a particular figure whose history gets a little grizzly. It’s a real kodiak moment.
It’s Ursoc. You know, if all the subtle references didn’t help you zero in on it.
To be fair, there’s a fair bit more going on here than just taking look at the afterlife of a sadly lost gigantic bear corrupted by the Emerald Nightmare, but that’s where the short starts and it’s also the easiest lore element to make references to. You can watch the whole thing just past the break, and be prepared to have your opinion polarized. Bear puns.