There’s nothing worse than spending all sorts of time and resources to acquire something you think will be cool… but turns out to be a bit of a dud instead. For EVE Online players who might feel a little let down by the performance of their EDENCOM ships, they should be pleased to hear that today’s Rolling Thunder update should take that dud and turn it into a “duuuuude!”
“By increasing the amount of damage EDENCOM ships are able to inflict, they’ll be better balanced generally,” CCP posted. “In addition, the DED Loyalty Point Store offers for EDENCOM items will have their costs reduced, making them more affordable across the board.”
You’ll definitely want to be logging into the game this week, as EVE Online is handing out daily rewards from September 25th through the 27th. These goodies include new ship skins, free skill points, and boosters.
Source: EVE Online