It’s patch day for Albion Online – hope you like demons and fire and fish! Yes, the midseason update – Brimstone & Mist – is live on the official servers today, introducing new baddies, new traps, smarter queues that won’t split up your parties, a combat balance pass, new recipes, tweaks to crafting, and yes, fish, now populating the Roads of Avalon zones in full to add flavor to the new roast recipes.
First, the flaming lava dungeons:
“Corrupted Dungeons get a horde of fearsome new foes, including a new boss, the Demonic Harbinger, with a range of powerful melee and magic attacks. Face new lesser demons, corrupted Heretics, and Hellhounds, and watch out for new spike traps that ignore armor and unpredictable lava traps. Numerous existing mobs including the Demonic Warlock and Demonic Underlord have been updated, and attackable hazards have improved effects and readability.”
And as for PvP?
“Brimstone & Mist brings numerous updates to group PvP combat of all sizes that will keep Albion’s combat meta fresh and fair. These include balance changes to numerous weapons and armor, changes to the Smart Cluster Queue to keep parties together, and updates to Disarray to reinstate the importance of healers and damage dealers.”