When you’re a publisher like Gamigo, you have the benefit of casting a wide net with your announcements. Case in point: The announcement from the publisher about all the Halloween events running in games under the company’s umbrella mentions Aura Kingdom, Echo of Soul, Twin Saga, Last Chaos, and Fiesta Online in one line as “oh, these games also have seasonal events running.” That’s five games that are all just surplus to the focal events, which include:
- ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained are both inviting players to Mirage Isle to celebrate events, including a trip through the air on fling brooms whilst dodging ghosts.
- Grand Fantasia is asking players to help Housekeeper Jelly Rabbit defend his crop of pumpkins from the immediate pumpkin fascination in the game world.
- Defiance 2050 has brought back the Hulkers with the additional backup of the Afflicted, offering mod fusions and synergies for successfully beating back the assault.
- Shayia has a zombie invasion to deal with and a quest to help Jack the Skeleton with some seasonal mischief.
- Trove players will be tasked with helping the Moon Goddess restore the shine of the natural satellite, with rewards along the way.
That’s a whole heck of a lot of events. We’re going to bet that most players won’t have time to take part in all of them, but if you are… well, more power to you! There are a lot of these things.
Source: Press release