We are just about two weeks away from World of Warcraft’s latest expansion launch, but if the test servers are any indication, this sucker is pretty much ready to release now. The folks over at Wowhead noted that the latest Shadowlands build on the PTR is a release — rather than a beta — candidate for Update 9.0.2.
Of course, Blizzard’s not going to shift from its November 23rd release date, especially considering that Shadowlands recently was delayed a month for more work to be done on the pack. There’s also the pre-expansion event that should be kicking off any day now for a two-week run.
And for those who are frantically trying to level up alts during this lead-up period, you have a new number to beat: Three hours and thirty-three minutes. That’s how long it took for speedrunner DesMephisto to bring an Alliance Death Knight from level 10 to 50 (Death Knights start at level 10 with the new leveling scheme).