If you want to play Temtem on your PlayStation 5, it’s going to cost you a bit more money than before. This is not in and of itself surprising, as the game has been quite up-front about the fact that as more major updates arrive to the game, its price will be going up. What makes it somewhat more surprising is that this is happening without a concurrent major update to the game’s systems.
The rationale, as explained on a short Twitter thread, is that the next major update was originally planned to happen with the PS5 launch. It’s not happening yet, but the price increase is still happening now, with no further price increase when the content update actually does arrive. So the timing on this is a bit more jumbled than expected, but ultimately it should balance out. (The final price has always been planned at right around $45, so this is still just an incremental approach.)
Tough convo that always sparks controversy, but as part of being as honest as we can about things, it's one we've gotta have.
As we mentioned on our Early Access release, Temtem's price will increase with each big update.Although Cipanku is not here yet (more on that soon),
— Temtem 🏰 ARBURY OUT NOW!! (@PlayTemtem) December 4, 2020