Happy patch week for fans of the early access MMOFPS The Cycle: Developer Yager has released Season 3.5, an extension for the third season dubbed Stormchasers. Notably for the hardest core players, 3.5 includes 50 more Fortuna Pass levels (if you’d already paid for the Fortuna pass, the new stuff is included), along with new outfits, emotes, and banners. But of course, it’s December, and even shooters can’t get away without Christmas content during this time of the year.
“The Miracle over Neptune festivities reached Prospect Station. Enjoy the artificial snow and jolly atmosphere Prospectors, it seems that the celebrations soon reach Fortuna III as well! Once again, Prospectors across the galaxy are gathered to celebrate this huge space miracle of how the Starlight Song saved the lives of thousands of settlers trapped in a doomed space station on the Neptune orbit. The time for sharing is now, show everyone how much you care!”
Yager tells player to stay tuned for more festivities “soon,” including a “big layer of snow” on the planet of Fortuna III too. Finally, if you’re still waiting for this game to come to Steam, set your calendars for Q2 2021.