Gamgio’s got a fleet of Valentine’s Day events stacked up for its MMORPGs. To wit:
- ArcheAge invites you to “synthesize your love” with the return of Chocolate Merchant Piero who’s got some deliveries for you to make.
- Trove has been invaded by Heckbugs! “Travel to Dragonfire Peaks to stop the invasion with your lovely assistant Heckbug ally so they may find love… or not.” This event will drag you down into Geode and is quite a bit different from some past Trove holidays!
- Original-flavor Defiance is once again running the Colony Courtship event, so you’re also fighting a hellbug invasion.
- RIFT was also being invaded by Hellbugs, but it’s already over for some reason. But don’t forget about the celebration of Mariel-Taun; participation can net players some extra goodies.
- Defiance 2050 has 99 Problems. That’s it. That’s the event. Go kick butt against Motherlode and the 99ers and then stay tuned until we make this joke again in 2022.
There are a couple of extra Gamigo-MMO bits worth noting here. First, remember how Gamigo was engaged with a charity initiative to plant trees? The second round of that event is now done, and Gamigo says players have pledged 105,910 trees to the Eden Reforestation Project. Good work, folks.
Finally, Gamigo’s MMO Last Chaos, which doesn’t get a whole lot of attention from MMO players around here, has released a new update for February. It’s not really Valentinesy, but it does push the level cap to 190 and add a new dungeon and boss.