One of the hoped-for announcements about WoW Classic failed to materialize at this past month’s BlizzConline. Some fans were hoping that among all of the server adjustments for Burning Crusade Classic, Blizzard would have announced brand-new fresh start servers, but it’s a no go on that (at least for the time being).
Of course, that didn’t stop the Classic community from coming up with its own unique solution. Over 2,400 players at the time of this writing have banded together for an effort called The Fresh Crusade. This initiative, which kicks off this Friday, March 5th, will see all of these players flood onto a low-population European PvP server to start together from scratch.
“We currently have seven guilds, people from all over the world, and a great spirit ready to roll onto a low population PvP server and create a fresh experience where we will help build up the community leading us into [Burning Crusade],” said one of the organizers. “It’s definitely worth checking out if you want a fresh style experience. are looking to get back into the game or just reroll and find a community.”
The Fresh Start initiative is being organized on Discord, so if you’re interested in participating, head on over and join the movement!