As promised, Ultima Online’s Publish 110 release has landed on the test server, offering players a first full glimpse into what this release entails. It’s a relatively small update all the same, with the most notable positive bits being tweaks to dynamic events and a new round of Black Market rewards and veteran rewards, including a three-year option that allows the storage of up to 25 runebooks in a single storage object. This is especially amusing since runebooks themselves were a way to store a bunch of runes in a single object, which just goes to show how in-demand the ability to recall all over the world really is. It’s recall runes all the way down.
On the negative side of the patch, some of the “fixes” for vendor search seem to be simply not letting free-to-play accounts access it properly, as Endless Journey accounts can no longer use the item name search at all and must wait 60 seconds between other searches, which makes it just shy of useless unless you’re paying a sub.
As we noted a few days ago, Publish 110 is set to hit the live servers later this month, after which Broadsword is expected to turn its attention back to the New Legacy server development. Broadsword’s stream on New Legacy goes live at 2 p.m. today.