WRUP: 101 uses for a hammer edition

The HORSE is a noble animal.
  1. Birds
  2. Big birds
  3. Small birds
  4. Nuthatches
  5. Fish Birds
  6. Fish Bats
  7. bats
  8. batty bay
  9. avast ye, this be the bay of bats
  10. hearken ye to my words, ye scurrilous nope this bit is dumb forget it
  11. Birds Again
  12. Titmice
  13. Titmouses
  14. Multiple Birds named “Titmouse”
  15. Geese
  16. Goose
  17. Glue
  18. Fish
  19. Tuna Fish
  20. Salmon Fish
  21. Salmon Tuna
  22. Two Salmon
  23. The Great Salmon Caper
  24. Not Without My Salmon
  25. Salmon Me Tuna
  26. Fish Me With Your Fish Eyes
  27. Birds
  28. Alfred Hitchcock
  29. Alternate Universe Eviler Alfred Hitchcock
  30. Alphonse Hitchcock
  31. Abacore
  32. Tuna Again
  33. Ham
  34. ham
  35. hamms
  36. hamamaje
  37. fjfmahamma
  38. hom
  39. hamblebamble
  40. hoo
  41. hoooooo
  42. hoioooooooo
  43. hamper
  44. Hinder
  45. Hindy
  46. Mittens
  47. Mitten Fish
  48. Bird Mitten
  49. Ham Mitten
  50. Smitten Ham
  51. Smitten Bird
  52. Smiting Bird
  53. Fish-smote bird
  54. fish says bird
  55. bird says fish
  56. they live together
  57. let’s make a wish
  58. too-la-la-la-li
  59. too-la-la-la-lo
  60. my bird is named reginald
  61. hoopa-doopa-snow
  62. Cats
  63. syrup
  64. Syrup Cats
  65. Catfish
  66. Fishcat
  67. Catcat
  68. Catgirl
  69. Fishgirl
  70. Not a mermaid
  71. A fishgirl
  72. They’re different.
  73. Do I need to draw you a picture?
  74. Well I can’t draw!
  75. I just can’t.
  76. I did not develop this skill.
  77. My artistic talents are not up to the task
  78. Look, you know what a fish is like, right?
  79. Yeah, like a bird, except –
  80. Yeah.
  81. Now add a girl.
  82. Birdgirl
  83. Girl bird
  84. Hawkgirl
  85. Hawkfish
  86. Hawk catching fish
  87. Hawk fighting cat
  88. What Are You Playing
  89. Cat fights
  90. Hawk fights
  91. Thunderhawks
  92. Silverhawks
  93. Hawk McFalcon, Private Investigator
  94. Fish
  95. Fish
  96. Bird
  97. Bird
  98. Bird
  99. Bird
  100. Melon
  101. Fish

Bonus question: What television series do you find yourself rewatching the most often?

Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Oh no! I still need to make room in my box for the Pokemon Go Community Day on Saturday! I also really want to do more work on my Animal Crossing house. I cleaned up the island a bit plus most of the house to prepare for the Mario crossover event, and I got one room down before real life stuff distracted me… for most of the week, sadly.

I don’t really watch a lot of TV on my own, let alone rewatch it. My brother used to rewatch The Simpsons a lot, so I’d do that with him, and I found Adventure Time could be useful for motivating students (I could write a whole paper on that), but nothing in my adult life comes to mind. If streaming counts, I’ve seen one or two episodes of The Mandalorian and One Punch-Man three times, but mostly because I was (e-)watching with someone else.

Ben Griggs (@braxwolf): Depending on my mood, I’ll either be jumping into World of Warships (if I’m feeling competitive) or Elite: Dangerous (if I’m feeling chill).

I don’t usually rewatch an entire series, but I like to revisit old 90’s shows like Frasier, Friends, or Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Been having fun in City of Heroes again, so I’ll probably be in there. And taking my kids again with me, though it’s a bit like herding cats hyper kittens on a sugar high. Somebody recommend me a toon I can use to PL my kittens.

Sometimes I’ll do a very intentional rewatch of a show I loved (usually when I’m sick and need something binge-y), or I’ll rewatch a season before the next season to refresh my memory, but I don’t like… put stuff on in the background as a regular thing. (My husband does, though, and he’s been rewatching Voyager… ug.) I think the last thing I rewatched at all was The Mandalorian.

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): With my excitement all stirred up for Elite: Dangerous, I will likely do a fair bit more in there sometime this weekend. I also have found someone who wants to join up in City of Heroes, and I want to further grind out some of the higher nodes of my Dauntless character progression.

I haven’t actually watched TV, new or old, in literally months. Does rewatching YouTube videos count, though? Because that’s something I’ve totally done plenty of times.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Some Final Fantasy XIV for me, and then… eh, probably just some low-key relaxing stuff on the sides. Like silly puzzle games, that sounds nice.

I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve rewatched good chunks of shows I found particularly appealing, but my highest rewatch counts probably go to Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I’ll be playing some Crowfall this weekend. I’m enjoying the new systems they’ve put in place for building classes. It definitely feels more streamlined than in previous builds of the game. I’ve also got a regular group I game with and we’ve had our eyes on Rogue Heroes on Steam. We thought about playing last weekend but the reviews for the online co-op were brutal. Supposedly they have a patch coming to clean that up though so hopefully we’ll get in there.

I’ll rewatch Friends or Futurama any day, any time, any where. They are both simply great classics.

Tyler Edwards (blog): I’m back in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla after a bit of a break.

Bonus question: I rewatch old episodes of The Simpsons or Futurama almost constantly. In terms of actual sit down, full series rewatches, probably Star Trek: Enterprise or Stargate: Universe.

Pierre, patron: After a very busy week at work and almost no time for gaming, I’ll try to play some games this weekend. My gaming program is the same (again!) as last week. Final Fantasy XIV for my share of MMO and Persona 5 for solo gaming. I saw two very enticing indie games launching this week, Loop Hero and The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante, and I’m really tempted to try to play at least one of them. The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante looks like one of these adventure books with gorgeous drawings and art style and exerts strong attraction on me.

Bonus question: The 100 is probably the TV show I’ve binge watched most often. In fact, every time a new season is to be broadcast, I go through and rewatch all the previous seasons beforehand to be ready for the new one. These days, I’m binge-watching 24 as it’s been available on Netflix for a few weeks now, at least in France. It’s a great show to watch when you want to empty your head and the acting is far from bad, much better than I remembered. For instance, in the last seasons, there’s great acting from Annie Wersching, the unforgettable Tess in The Last of Us. And you MOP readers, what are you playing and binge-watching this weekend?

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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