Little green-clad men offering magical riches may not seem that out of place in DC Universe Online. We have to imagine that nobody in Gotham or Metropolis will blink twice to see Mister Mxyzptlk frolicking about during St. Patrick’s Day. The yearly event is expected to launch today in the game, offering players a special mission called, of course, “Mxyleprechauns.”
That’s not all that Thursday’s Game Update 111 has to offer. DCUO also brings back the game’s survival mode, a four-player gauntlet of pain and suffering — and tantalizing rewards. The longer players last, the more currency they gain to spend on goodies.
“Queue up for Titan’s Training Sim in the Events tab to challenge yourself against the most difficult battles DCUO has ever seen,” Daybreak said. “Thirty rounds of challenge await, if you can survive. Each round consists of two waves of minions and one boss at the end of the waves.”
The update is expected to roll out later today after an extended maintenance.
All worlds will be offline tomorrow beginning at 5:30AM PT to launch Game Update 111, featuring Survival Mode and the St. Patrick's Day event.
Downtime may last up to 8 hours: https://t.co/DdClx6XrEI pic.twitter.com/aDFBgvO1No
— DCUO (@DCUO) March 10, 2021