Enad Global 7 is once again in the news for us here at MOP with yet another buyout, this time regarding its February 25th acquisition of Russian publisher Innova to the tune of $109.8M. Innova, readers will recall, is the company that operates the 4Game digital platform and publishes a variety of titles for the CIS market including Crowfall, Blade and Soul, and Lineage II among others.
An investor presentation from February 2021 lauds the purchase, pointing to Innova’s “hundreds of thousands of monthly active users, high revenue growth, and significant EBITDA margin.” The report also seems to suggest that EG7 is finished buying all the companies, as it touts a “complete ecosystem” that causes the company to be “very excited about the future.”
Readers will remember that EG7 has been making big moves in the MMORPG industry in recent months, with a wholesale buyout of Daybreak Games that unveiled some extremely candid numbers regarding monthly users, and a purchase of MechWarrior Online developer Piranha Games.
Worth noting is that this recent investor release touts EverQuest, LOTRO, DCUO, DDO, PlanetSide 2, and now H1Z1 as EG7’s “world-class IPs”; readers will recall that H1Z1 was left off the prior report. Daybreak is said to have “5+ remastered/new versions of portfolio,” whatever that might mean.