The multiplayer survival shooter Vigor continues to cross our news desk like a whack-a-mole. This time around there’s word of a new season for the game, bringing with it a couple of updates like the PH M82 sniper rifle, a new battle pass, the addition of two loot events to every encounter, and the addition of a Legacy Seasons tab that will soon let players purchase old seasons to replay with friends. Players will also note that issues for the PlayStation version of the game have been ironed out, as the devs themselves admitted that the last season was “a difficult ride.”
For those who don’t remember this one, Vigor is a multiplayer survival shooter set in a post-war Norway that looks to be cut from the same cloth of games like DayZ. The game first made its appearance at E3 2018 as an Xbox One exclusive, followed shortly after by releases to other platforms in 2020 including the PS4, PS5, and Nintendo Switch.