Always an MMO that’s up for experimenting with different server rulesets, EverQuest II has a brand-new offering that may excite the competitive players in its fanbase. The Tarinax shard went live yesterday, combining both time-locked expansion progression with the constant strife of PvP.
The Ancient Gaming Noob notes that Tarinax marks a notable return to PvP after a long period of dormancy: “The last run at a PvP was the 2016 Deathtoll server which lasted less than six months before it was merged into Antonia Bayle and forgotten. But, in the search for something to get people back into the game Daybreak has decided to try the PvP route for EQ2. And so today they launched the Tarinax PvP server.”
Leaderboards are already populating for the server, with dozens if not hundreds of player kills driving the best of the best to climb over each other’s corpses.
Tarinax is live! It's time to test your mettle against other EQ2 players now!
Find Tarinax under event servers on your server list! pic.twitter.com/MEhKrrNjZX
— EverQuest II (@everquestii) May 11, 2021